How To : Order Healthy Fast Food

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How To : Order Healthy Fast Food - When you order healthy fast food, you are doing yourself a favor, right? Well, it is true that certain meals are better for you than others, but you should be aware of your options and certain things to avoid when you eat out. By taking certain factors into consideration, you can be confident that when you order healthy fast food, you are making healthful decisions for yourself.
Step 1
Use portion control when eating. When you order healthy fast food, do not super-size your meal. At many restaurants, one serving size is generally enough for two. If a meal is too much, share with a partner, or save some for another meal. Buffet style meals are not healthy choices, unless you can watch your portion size, and limit your meal intake.

Step 2
Avoid Add-on's when ordering. Items such as fat and calorie crammed salad dressings, sour cream, mayo and extra cheese are not beneficial to your health, so try and avoid them. For example, if you are buying a chicken sandwich, try and hold off on the mayo. This will ensure that you order healthy fast food.

Step 3
Hold the salt. Being more conscious of your sodium consumption is important when you order healthy fast food. Excess sodium-intake contributes to high blood pressure.

Step 4
Drink less soda. Soda is a source for unneeded calories, when you order healthy fast food. Instead of ordering a pop, order a water with lemon, or unsweetened ice tea. If you feel the need to order a pop, order diet, but remember than even diet pop has add-in ingredients.

Step 5
Read the nutrition facts. The majority of restaurants post their nutritional information directly on their website. These sites will list the fat percentages, calories, carbs and sodium that are in your favorite meals. If you want to order healthy fast food, being mindful of substitutes is important.


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